My Mall Box for Overseas Ordering of Craft Supplies

Today’s post is of special interest to my readers who, like me, live outside of the United States.  Though I am from the US, I currently reside in Malaysia.  However, I still like to order things from the US!  Usually when I order things I either:

  1. Order enough from a place to make the shipping worth it.
  2. Order something and get it sent to my parents’ address, so when they send me a package they can include it.
  3. Wait until I visit the US before I order it.

But sometimes none of those options are my favorite.  I’ve heard of these shipping companies that will re-pack orders for you and send them, but I’ve never tried one out.  A few months ago, one of those companies, My Mall Box, contacted me. They asked if I would like to try out their services and review it for the blog.  Why yes, please!

There were some quilling items that I’ve been wanting to try.  I ordered some from Amazon, some from Custom Quilling, and some from Little Circles.  I also ordered a few items that were not quilling related such as a couple birthday presents for my oldest daughter.

It was easy to do the ordering.  I just ordered as usual, but used a personal address that My Mall Box gave me.  When my orders had been received by them, they sent an email to let me know.  I didn’t have to do anything else until all of my orders had been received. Then I logged into my account and let them know how I wanted my purchases packaged up.

I requested them to pack up all of my purchases together, which they did.  They let me know how much the shipping would be (there are a few options for shipping so you can choose which you’d like!).  At this point you can choose a shipping choice, or have them re-package your items if desired.

*NOTE* At this point, you need to remember that some countries have import taxes based on the total amount of your order.  For example, in Malaysia we can order anything we want as long as the total amount (purchase price plus shipping) is less than RM500.  If the total is above RM500 I will need to pay some customs tax. So when I make orders I need to keep that in mind!  To be totally honest, I for some reason totally forgot about that when I made this order and I did end up having to pay some custom taxes.  oops!  Totally my fault, I could have easily had My Mall Box package my items into two separate packages to avoid this.  I never made that mistake before, but being sleep deprived (thanks to 4 month old baby!!) it was a mistake. Oh well, worse things have happened.

So the other day I received my box of goodies (I got it shipped via DHL which is very fast!) and I have already started using some of my new quilling tools, yay!  So here is the fun quilling stuff I got:

First here is the whole box as I opened it up.  When I asked My Mall Box to repackage everything they opened the orders and arranged and packaged them safely and properly to save as much room as possible.  Well done!

New papers and glue from Little Circles:


Quilling pin husking board, quilling mold, new style slotted tool, needle tip glue bottle, self-closing tweezers:

Stay tuned for a review of the husking board coming soon, it’s a handy little tool!  I’ll give the others a try soon as well!

So, would I use My Mall Box again?  Yes, I’ll keep my account with them and will use it when I have several things I’d like to send to myself!  I will, of course, remember about the customs next time haha! The good thing is that quilling supplies tend to be quite lightweight, so you can get quite a few supplies for a fair amount of shipping!  If I was to order from all of the separate places I’d definitely be paying more shipping than if I got them shipped together via My Mall Box.

Do you want to try out My Mall Box?  By using this link you get a free $5 credit to start off with!

Try My Mall Box Now!

*NOTE* This post was sponsored by My Mall Box.  All opinions and writing are my own. 


Stick around and check out some of the other fun stuff on the blog!

Click here to view FREE paper quilling tutorials!

For paper quilling tips and tricks, Click here!

Click here to view a list of places to buy quilling supplies around the world!

Click here to view some of my own quilling projects, with tips so you can make your own if you’d like!

*This post contains some affiliate links.  If you purchase products through the affiliate links I get a small percentage (at no extra cost to you!).  I only link to products that I believe in and/or love to use myself.  Thank you for supporting my blog!


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