Hello! This is Svara.  Here is a paper quilled 3D pig that I made a few months ago. If you were wondering what inspired me to make this pig, I’m about to tell you. I was looking for my quilling board, when I saw a kit that showed you how to make 3d animals. That was what inspired me. It took trial and error, but I created my own  3d pig!
After I glued the pig together my mom put sealant on it to keep it hard. Â That way it would be protected. Â I gave it to my sister for her to play with with her dolls.
Hi everyone! Â This is Honey. Â I used Ceramcoat sealer to seal this pig and make it nice and sturdy. Â Ceramcoat sealer soaks into the paper to make it stiff. Â Love it! Â Click here for my review and tips on using Ceramcoat sealer. Â Another sealer that works really well is DecoArt Sealer. Â Click here for my review and tips using DecoArt sealer.
Find some more of Svara’s paper quilling projects on her Quilling for Kids page!
Svara baby you have done 3d pig beautiful.
Thank you!